Advice: Should Pronouns Be Compulsory?

Organisations across the Liverpool City Region are being called upon to pledge their support and normalise the use of pronouns in their everyday lives. Naturally, this might pose some questions for HR Departments about how they should do this. The most often asked questions we’ve received are: “So, we have to make them compulsory?” or […]

Merch: Buy your LCR Pronoun Badges Here!

LCR Pride Foundation are pleased to announce a special commission for International Pronouns Day… our first range of Pronoun Pin Badges! You too can help spread the word and make the use of pronouns normal in your workplace, place of education or… (as many of us are nowadays) visual meetings. Our specially designed badges come […]

Article: Why Pronouns Are Important

Ahead of International Pronouns Day, Emma Stewart from LCR Pride Foundation outlines the importance of using the correct pronouns – a simple act key to self-determination and validation. Originally published in Bido Lito, Edition 110 Words: Emma Stewart, LCR Pride Foundation Image: Sophie Green, Has anyone ever got your name even just a little […]

Guide: Respecting and Normalising Pronouns

International Pronoun’s Day is on 20th October this year, which is a day which aims to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace. Whilst the day shines important visibility on the importance of pronouns, there are simple things that we can all do in our every-day lives that will make a huge difference […]