LCR Pride Foundation Statement on Conversion Therapy Ban

On Tuesday 11th May, as part of the Queen’s Speech 2021, plans to legislate the banning of conversion therapy were announced.

In a statement about the plans, Minister for Women & Equalities, Liz Truss, said:  “As a global leader on LGBT rights, this government has always been committed to stamping out the practice of conversion therapy.

“We want to make sure that people in this country are protected, and these proposals mean nobody will be subjected to coercive and abhorrent conversion therapy. Alongside this legislation, we will make new funding available to ensure that victims have better access to the support they need.”

It was also announced that the ban would be introduced “as soon as parliamentary time allows, and following a consultation”. While any movement on this issue and support for victims is welcome, LCR Pride Foundation believes that progress is still too slow.

Speaking of the announcement Lewis Collins, Chair of LCR Pride Foundation’s Board of Directors, said: “While we are relieved to hear that, after three years of waiting, measures to ban conversion therapy with finally be brought forward, we are deeply concerned by the Goverment’s decision to launch a public consultation before a ban will be put in place, and its overwhelming lack of urgency on the matter.

“If the UK is – as the Minister for Women & Equalities, Liz Truss, stated today – “a global leader on LGBT rights” it should be offering LGBT+ people here protection from conversion practices in all settings immediately. Providing any exemptions, such as religious practices, creates a dangerous loophole that will allow even more LGBT+ to be harmed by conversion practices.

“This approach reflects that taken by the Government towards the Gender Recognition Act (GRA), which last year saw proposals for reform abandoned despite a clear call for change following a public consultation. To launch a consultation on this issue and fail to provide any timelines exposes countless LGBT+ people to harm and further weakens the community’s trust in the British Government.”


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LCR Pride Foundation is a registered charity in England & Wales, no 1185167. Registered Company 11754074.