Continuing to focus on lead volunteers, as part of Volunteers Week 2020, we’d like you to meet Stefan Price, our Digital Marketing lead volunteer.
So Stefan, tell us about you. When you’re not volunteering for LCR Pride Foundation, what are you doing?
“Hey, well I’m 21 and I’m from Liverpool. My day job is pretty exciting – I work in the digital team at Marketing Liverpool, the Destination Marketing Organisation for the Liverpool City Region. In simple terms, it’s my job to promote the city region around the world, which isn’t very difficult to do!”
Exciting stuff! So what is it you do for LCR Pride Foundation?
“My role within the foundation is pretty hands-on, as I currently oversee and work with the team on most of what we do online, specifically social media. As a foundation with big ambitions, we have lots of online channels, including over 10 active social media profiles – from our main organisational one, to our specific Pride in Liverpool channels. That makes things pretty demanding, but fun!
“Our online presence may often be the first time someone connects with us as a foundation, so it’s essential we get things right. I work with our Interim CEO, PR team and Marketing Working Group to ensure our online activity is the best it can be.”
How long have you been a volunteer
“I’ve been involved with the LCR Pride Foundation since it launched in 2019, as one of the very first members of the Marketing Working Group. Since then, my role has grown and evolved, meaning I’m more involved now than ever. It feels like I’ve been volunteering for a lot longer, I can’t believe it’s only been just over a year – time really does fly when you’re having fun!”
Well 2020 has been the longest year of all time so far, and it’s only June! How did you get into volunteering?
“I’m pretty lucky that my day job offers me lots of opportunities, whether that’s working on incredible events such as the Giants visit to Liverpool in 2018 or spending a weekend in Sefton Park covering LIMF – i’m always out and about! When I was asked if I wanted to get involved with LCR Pride Foundation, specifically on the marketing side of things, I didn’t have to do much thinking, it was pretty much YES straight away!”
So that’s how you got into it, but why do you do it?
“It’s always been a big part of my life and something that I’ve always found not only improves my wellbeing, but for others too. It makes me feel like I’m helping to make the world a little better, and the work the foundation does really does transform people’s lives. When it comes to Pride in Liverpool weekend, seeing thousands of people march, protest, sing, dance and smile with happiness really fills me with pride.”
What is the best thing about volunteering?
“It definitely has to be the friendships. Through volunteering I’ve not only made some best friends for life, I’ve grown my professional network, which is always a great bonus! Volunteering for the foundation started off as me wanting to do my bit, but it has grown into so much more and I now see it as part of my life, including all the people I volunteer with on a daily basis.”
What is your best volunteering memory?
“This is an easy one – it has to be the night/ morning of Pride in Liverpool 2019! Like any new organisation our resources can be stretched and that day it was all hands on deck! I finished work at my day job on Friday at the usual time of 4PM and I didn’t head to bed until around 3AM.
“I was then back on site at around 6AM for a full day ahead. I think I did everything from putting up signs around the site to sorting through thousands of VIP wristbands – but I wouldn’t change it for the world! From laughter, to tears, I made memories (and new skills) that will last a lifetime. Despite the weather, Pride in Liverpool 2019 was a great success, with record numbers marching – so it was all worth it!”
What advice would you give to someone thinking of volunteering for LCR Pride Foundation?
“Just go for it! Whether you can only help us out once a year, or you can help on a weekly basis, there is an opportunity for everyone. You may have the gift of the gab, a head for planning or a creative flair, we’re always on the lookout for new people to get involved. If you want to find out more, I’d recommend chatting to one of our current volunteers – we’re all a friendly bunch!”
Due to COVID-19 registration for our volunteer programme is currently closed. If you are interested you can watch for updates on this by signing up to our newsletter.