International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV) to be celebrated across Liverpool

A series of events are set to take place in Liverpool on Sunday 31st March to mark International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV).

It is the first time that a full day of events have taken place in the city to celebrate the lives of transgender people and raise awareness of the discrimination they face. The events include presentations and activities at the Museum of Liverpool, a march through the city and an evening of performance from within and in support of Liverpool’s vibrant transgender community.

Each event is organised individually, but all seek to provide greater visibility of the city’s diverse transgender community and assert its right to respect.

For information about any of the events taking place on TDoV 2019, please contact the individual event organisers. Follow events nationally and globally on social media using #TDoV and #TransDayOfVisibility.

For timings and contact information, please visit:

Event Details

Transgender Day of Visibility at the Museum of Liverpool

A day of discussion, support, knowledge-sharing and inspiration delivered by representatives from within the transgender community and by organisations and individuals who support transgender people.

Speakers in the morning (10:45am – 12:45pm) will include organiser Imogen Christie, Martyn Pounder, Jan from Mermaids Merseyside, an organisation designed to help young people who feel at odds with the gender they were assigned at birth and their families, Paul Rooney from the Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS) and Christian Owens from Merseyside Police.

The morning will be concluded by LCR Pride Foundation Patron, Flight Lieutenant Caroline Paige, who was the first transgender officer to serve openly in the UK Armed Forces.

This will be followed by an interval (12:45pm – 2:30pm) when visitors will have the chance to visit the final day of the Tales from the City exhibition at the Museum, which showcases stories, objects and memories from Liverpool’s LGBT+ community (organised by Museum of Liverpool).

In its afternoon sessions (2:30pm – 4:45pm), the event will welcome Tony Griffin from Trans Support Services and Care Pathways, as well as speakers from Trans Health Merseyside and Stop Hate UK, discussing topics ranging from the challenges faced by transgender people and the support available, to Trans faith and spiritual wellbeing.

The afternoon will be brought to a close by a session celebrating voices from the Trans community, with representatives from Liverpool Mental Health Consortiums, TransScripts writing course and Marje Morgan from Trans Writers.

Organiser, Imogen Christie, said: “Following the success of last year’s museum event, there will be a series of programmed events at different venues throughout Liverpool city centre to celebrate TDov 2019, with the flagship event being held once again at the Museum of Liverpool.

“This local campaign has been supported for the last three years, formerly by Liverpool Pride and now by the LCR Pride Foundation in its inaugural year. We are also delighted to once again have the support of both the Museum and Regenda Homes. We are looking forward to welcoming speakers and guests alike to the event for a day of education, inspiration and celebration.”

Running order may be subject to changes, please contact the organisers for further information.

Liverpool Trans Pride March

A march through Liverpool city centre to highlight and celebrate the beauty and diversity of the city’s local transgender community, encourage wider understanding about the community and assert its right to respect.

All are welcome to join the march and participants will gather from 1pm at Derby Square, where short speeches will be delivered before proceeding to the Museum of Liverpool, where the march is expected to conclude at around 3pm.

Organiser, Kelly Stubbs, said: “We are rallying behind the original Pride ethos from 1968, by coming together to be more relevant, more visible and reach a greater number of people, highlighting not just how wonderful our community is, but also the ideas and ideals of the larger struggle we are engaged in, for the respect of our fundamental human rights.

“We want to open up the opportunity for more inclusive dialogue, to have the voices of transgender people in the region heard loud and clear, because our voices, opinions and needs matter.”

For more information about Liverpool Trans Pride March including the route visit

Participants and supporters will be highlighting the march using the hashtags #InclusiveDialogues and #TransVoicesMatter

Trans Celebration Evening at Jupiter’s Bar

A diverse line-up of local talent from within and in support of the transgender community, the evening will feature poets, musicians, singers and storytellers, all gathered together with an eclectic DJ to celebrate the diversity and vitality of the community.

Organiser, Martyn Pounder, said: “We are looking forward to an evening of fun and celebration that will shine a light on the exceptional talent from both within Liverpool’s transgender community and from supporters of the community.”

The day of awareness, education and celebration is being supported by the newly-established LCR Pride Foundation.

Co-Chairs Andi Herring and John Bird, said: “The LCR Pride Foundation is committed to celebrating and championing the entire LGBT+ community across the city region and our support of events celebrating International Transgender Day of Visibility 2019 is a demonstration of that commitment.

“The Trans community in our region is diverse, vibrant and passionate and the events planned by individuals and groups from within Liverpool’s Trans community to celebrate TDoV 2019 are wonderful illustration of this. We are proud to support this celebration and are looking forward to a day of education, inspiration and fun.”

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LCR Pride Foundation is a registered charity in England & Wales, no 1185167. Registered Company 11754074.